Tailored Pricing Solutions to Suit Your Needs

Tailored Pricing Solutions to Suit Your Needs

Tailored Pricing Solutions to Suit Your Needs

Empower your workforce and elevate company culture with our all-in-one platform, trusted by +1,000 satisfied teams.

Empower your workforce and elevate company culture with our all-in-one platform, trusted by +1,000 satisfied teams.

Empower your workforce and elevate company culture with our all-in-one platform, trusted by +1,000 satisfied teams.


Up to 50 employees

Up to 50 employees

Up to 50 employees

Daily Check-ins

Conversations Starters

Peer Recognition

Activity Feed & Updates

Company Perks Rewards

Custom Rewards

Manager Reports

Dashboard & Analytics

Team-building Activities

Micro-learning Library

Contextual Nudges

AI-Assisted Replies for Managers

AI-Assisted Insights & Reports

AI-Generated Nudges

AI Skills Coaching & Tracking

AI Core Values Alignment

Multiple User Roles

Onboarding & Rollout Support

3-5 Business Days support

96% Uptime SLA Uptime


Between 50 and 1,000 employees

Between 50 and 1,000 employees

Between 50 and 1,000 employees

Everything in Starter plus:

Same day support

98% Uptime SLA

Employee & Manager Training

Reward Services


More than 1,000 employees

More than 1,000 employees

More than 1,000 employees

Everything in Grow plus:

4-hour Response Time

99.5% Uptime SLA

HRIS Integrations

Happily API

Quarterly Reports for HR

Transform your business with our free Organizational Health Scan!

Transform your business with our free Organizational Health Scan!

Transform your business with our free Organizational Health Scan!


Have questions that need answers?

How exactly does Happily.ai help my company or team?

How many people do I need using Happily.ai for it to work?

Does Happily.ai only work for remote teams?

How does Happily.ai solve team collaboration issues?


Have questions that need answers?

How exactly does Happily.ai help my company or team?

How many people do I need using Happily.ai for it to work?

Does Happily.ai only work for remote teams?

How does Happily.ai solve team collaboration issues?


Have questions that need answers?

How exactly does Happily.ai help my company or team?

How many people do I need using Happily.ai for it to work?

Does Happily.ai only work for remote teams?

How does Happily.ai solve team collaboration issues?